It is important to budget for gifting responsibly. You don't need to spend a lot of money on each gift to make an impact. Even small, thoughtful gifts can go a long way.
Here are some tips for budgeting for gifting:
Set a budget for each employee - This will help you to stay on track and avoid overspending.
Consider the frequency of gifting - How often do you want to give gifts to your employees? Will you give them gifts on their birthdays and anniversaries? Will you also give them gifts throughout the year? Once you know how often you want to give gifts, you can budget accordingly.
Choose affordable gifts - There are many affordable gift options available. You can find unique and meaningful gifts at a variety of price points.
Get creative with your gifts - You don't have to spend a lot of money to give a thoughtful gift. You can get creative by making your own gifts or by giving gifts that are relevant to your employees' interests.
You can include gifting in your Human Resources budget without breaking the bank.